“Nation for marriage” doesn’t like my FckH8 post & sees clear connection between LGBT & Pedophilia
December 24th, 2010 // 2:17 pm @ Site Admin
I got this comment on my “FckH8 whether you are Gay or Str8” post from a guy named Mike who appears to be someone hunting down FCKH8 stories for the group “Nation for Marriage”.
Even some queers and lesbians can see how disgusting the FCKH8 videos are. They have stooped to a new low now by exploiting children to use vulgar language to support the LGBT community. The FCKH8 videos mentions queer children. “Queer children”? There is no such thing as a queer child. They are brain washed children. How could a child possibly realize their sexuality before puberty? I mean without being brainwashed. And no, those children were definitely not born queer. Nobody is born queer. It’s a disgusting choice. The FCKH8 videos clearly show the connection between the LGBT community and pedophilia. They’ve gone way too far this time. Expect major repercussions.
You are a very frightened individual, aren’t you Mike? Let me try to help you with some of your assumptions.
- There is no such thing as a queer child. They are brain washed children.
You are starting with an incorrect assumption. I would hope, that unlike the unenlightened masses, the LGBT community knows better then to demand a child pick a sexuality. However just like a teenager who chooses a straight partner, some children choose same sex partners. So yes… there ARE “Queer Children.”
HOWEVER You don’t have to be gay to fight Hate. Where does it say these children are L, G, B or T? They may be children of gay parents… but why are you assuming that they are automatically gay? A child can’t see his parents in pain and be angry about that? They have to be GAY children??
- “They are exploiting children to use vulgar language to support the LGBT community“
One might argue that you are exploiting them by desperately pushing your agenda against Gay Marriage, by attacking a video that says we should Stop Hate, NOT support Gay Marriage. SURELY you’d think we could all rally around a message that kids should not be beat up and bullied?? No??? But ok… let’s go with your premise for a minute…
If this was your ONLY argument, I’d be inclined to at least hear your point of view and respectfully disagree. I certainly think it’s rational to be against kids being fed curse words to say on video.
However, you obviously have your head in the sand and have no idea what’s going on with the world. Not only is this the kind of language your kids hear every day at school, the whole fabric of this world has changed. Kids know things now that I didn’t know till I was 30. You have every right to be angry or upset about that… but it’s reality and it has nothing to do with people fighting against hate or for gay rights, for that matter.
- “Even some queers and lesbians can see how disgusting the FCKH8 videos are”
I’m sure some agree with you, but in any movement to remove oppression, sometimes extreme measures are needed and this is just some shocking WORDS…
Call me crazy but, having some kids curse is pretty tame compared to children being beaten up, killed, maimed and driven to suicide… wouldn’t you agree?
And even though this video is about HATE, and not Gay rights, let me stoop way down to your level and comment on that for a minute.
- How about Christians not being able to Marry
- How about Christians being beaten up, killed, driven to suicide, just because of what they believe?
(actually, many are… and I have to bet, they would really sympathize a lot more with LGBT then those nice and comfy living in the USA)
In this so called “enlightened age” WHY oh WHY would it matter who someone chooses to love?
Could it be because it’s SCARY FOR YOU, “HEAD IN THE SAND PEOPLE”.
Because if you actually stop to think about how silly this is… then you might actually have to stop and think how silly other things are…. I don’t know… maybe the whole “imaginary man in the sky” thing, but let’s not open up THAT can of worms!
- “The FCKH8 videos clearly show the connection between the LGBT community and pedophilia.”
See… here is where you have lost 95% of your supporters. What kind of asinine thing is that to say?
with this line of thinking, I should point out that “Catholic Priests, CLEARLY show the connection between the Priesthood and pedophilia”.
Oh wait…. it sort of actually does… hmmm, extreme repression, forced chastity, twin fangs of guilt and shame… forget that one… too easy.
PLEASE… I’d really like to hear you enlighten us on this one, drop me an email and let us know.
Ok Folks, see for yourself, here are both the videos in question… Please leave your comments!
Category : Alternative Lifestyle &News &Story Archive
13 years ago
Uhm.. mr. homophobe over there..
If being gay is a choice.. when did you choose to become straight, hm?
14 years ago
“How could a child possibly realize their sexuality before puberty? I mean without being brainwashed.”
I was once a child, and I’m here to tell you that I knew my sexuality BEFORE puberty…I knew that I liked little boys and I also knew that I liked little girls. Yes hard to believe as some people may find it, children DO know what they are attracted to from a very young age. I’m also the parent of a gay son and even though he is not in the least effeminate I knew from the time he was very young what his sexual orientation was. I think the videos are very effective in opening the eyes of a great majority of people in this still very Puritanical holdover we call the United States.
Claire S.
14 years ago
Being a member of the straight community, I am in FULL support of what FCKH8 is doing, regardless of the fact they have children swearing in their videos. You have hit so many points on the nose.
“The FCKH8 videos clearly show the connection between the LGBT community and pedophilia.”
I would like to know where that nut job pulled this one out of. Being gay and being a pedophile are two completely separate things. This has my mind totally boggled!
“There is no such thing as a queer child. They are brain washed children”
Children are so much smarter than we think. People are afraid to let their children make choices for themselves, to learn, to grow. If I may state a quote:
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
If we teach our children from a young age, that no matter what anyone else says, that if they should stay true to themselves, then they will be the bigger person in this world.
Bo thank you for writing this. These people have some serious issues!
Plus, I found what he was hunting this article down for: http://nomblog.com/2733/ Give it a look see.
14 years ago
Thanks Claire
and good find on the nomblog link http://nomblog.com/2733/
It just amazes me how we believe we are “evolved” and yet people are still arguing why it’s ok for basic human rights violations because it scares them.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…