What other books are like 50/Fifty Shades of Grey? – A kinky reading list

What other books are like 50/Fifty Shades of Grey? – A kinky reading list

April 25th, 2012 // 2:00 pm @

I’ve had several questions about other books to read that are like “Fifty Shades of Grey”. I figured besides my own recommendations I’d ask my Tweeps on Twitter. Below you’ll find books about fetish, fantasy, BDSM, Kink etc. Some are “romantic novels” others fantasy fiction and still others are educational books for those that are interested in BDSM.

Please VOTE for your favorite authors by leaving a facebook or regular comment below. We’ll move your favorites up to the top of the list! You can also suggest a new author as well!

My Favorites:

First, in case you haven’t gotten all three of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy

Our good friend Laura Antoniou is a legend in the BDSM fiction realm. Her Marketplace series is a classic that you’ll find in just about every serious player’s bookshelf.

Anne Rice, writing under the pen names of A. N. Roquelaure & Anne Rampling, may truly be the Mother of the modern erotic Novel. These were the first fantasy BDSM book I ever read, so they have a special place in my heart. Both “The claiming of sleeping Beauty Trilogy” and “Exit to Eden” are favorites of mine.

Cecilia Tan and all our friends at Circlet Press have some of the best erotic fiction around

Susan Wright is the founder of the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom. For that reason alone you should buy her books! She is a well known professional writer of many a genre, including 9 Star Trek novels. But for this list, you’ll be more interested in her awesome, kinky fantasy books. Her classic “Slave Trade” has just been re-released.

Here are our favorite BDSM educational books:

And if you are interested in more of an anthropological view here are three books I LOVE.

Your Favorites:

Please VOTE for your favorite authors by leaving a facebook or regular comment below. We’ll move your favorites up to the top of the list! You can also suggest a new author as well!

What books would YOU like to see on our list? Who are your Favorites? Please VOTE by leaving a Facebook or regular comment below. We’ll move your favorites up to the top of the list!

Category : Alternative Lifestyle &Story Archive &Uncategorized

38 Comments → “What other books are like 50/Fifty Shades of Grey? – A kinky reading list”

  1. Kendrya Alexis

    10 years ago

    crossfire series is another that should be on the list


  2. Domina DeManda

    11 years ago

    Love this!


  3. Sandra Puente

    11 years ago

    Joey Hill. Great romance with very hot BDSM thrown in in!


  4. Sam Winslow

    11 years ago

    Sensuous Magic by Pat Califia.


  5. TammyJo Eckhart

    11 years ago

    Thank you so much for including me.

    The link seems not to be working, try this: http://www.amazon.com/TammyJo-Eckhart/e/B000APFSFW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1.

    Or this is my website: http://www.tammyjoeckhart.com/.


  6. Mark Newman

    11 years ago

    Then there's a book I'd love to write, "I like hugs". It's a little tamer than some on this list. Less interesting. And shorter.


  7. ruth fishman

    11 years ago

    i’m rather fond of Raven Kaldera’s books and Alfred Press in general. Hell on Wheels and Kneeling in Spirit allow people to explore disability in kink… from the points of view of multiple disabled M types and s types. Double Edge takes us to where BDSM and transgender intersect.
    Playing Well With Others by Lee Harrington and Mollena Williams is a nice one… and no collection can be truly complete without Lee’s Shibari You Can Use.


  8. Paul Adams-Author

    11 years ago

    Like some comedy with your sub/dom fiction?
    Try – Time Was by Paul Adams.
    A romantic/comedy… with a kink.
    Available Amazon.com & Amazon.co.uk.


  9. T.C.Anthony

    12 years ago

    Check out this book…see preview, Release in 2 weeks.


  10. Susan Bergen

    12 years ago

    Kristal Baird – PA Exposé – BDSM/submission themes. One review I read said “you’ll need ice, a fan, and the a/c set at about 50 degrees if you read this” and I concur. It’s seriously HOT! http://goo.gl/gLklf Try it and see.


    • admin

      12 years ago

      Hi Susan, I just added Kristal’s book
      Please let everyone know on your social media groups.


  11. Chris Hall

    12 years ago

    Bo, I’m delighted to see that William Henkin and Sybil Holiday’s book, “Consensual Sadomasochism” made it onto your list. The print version is available from us at Daedalus Publishing, and while I’m not exactly objective, I’d like to mention a few of our other titles.

    For instance, Leatherfolk, by Mark Thompson is a great anthology that combines the voices of queer men and women from the days before BDSM was even vaguely acceptable. I think it’s a great book for people who want to know where the scene that we have today came from.

    For people who are getting off on Fifty Shades, but are kind of hankering to see the dynamic reversed, I’d recommend Debbie’s Gift, by Amity Harris, in which a woman educates her husband in how to be the perfect slave.

    Fakir Musafar’s photo book, Spirit + Flesh, is one of the definitive looks at body modification over fifty years, and Jack Rinella’s “The Master’s Manual” and “The Compleat Slave” belong on any D/s bookshelf.


    • admin

      12 years ago

      Hi Chris
      Thank you so much for these, I can’t believe I forgot Leather Folk!?!? One of the most important books I ever read!
      And certainly Fakir deserves to be on the list for sure! I’ll look at the rest and catch you next update.
      thanks again!


  12. Robbie Colman

    12 years ago

    All of Laura Antoniou's books, her writing ROCKS!


    • Bo Blaze

      12 years ago

      I couldn't agree more! She's at the top of our list!


  13. Bo Blaze

    12 years ago

    Can't believe I forgot Patrick C, Thanks for the ideas, I used them all! http://www.alternativelifecoach.com/what-other-books-are-like-50fifty-shades-of-grey-a-kinky-reading-list/


  14. Amber Rose Thompson

    12 years ago

    Amber Rose Thompson.
    Tied To Passion.
    Taken Bi Love.
    Scheherezade's Gift
    Pushing Boundaries
    Sanya's Nights
    Primal Needs
    Available at http://www.amazon.com/, http://shop.renebooks.com, and http://www.fictionwise.com/.

    All the books are BDSM erotica with a flair for the romantic and sometimes the added spice of the paranormal.


  15. TammyJo Eckhart

    12 years ago

    You should check out my books: http://www.tammyjoeckhart.com/.

    Not only is much of my writing considered BDSM but I've also been an activist and an educator for over 15 years now about our Tribe.


  16. Crystal Hill Nanavati

    12 years ago

    Many books published by Black Lace Books.


  17. Serene

    12 years ago

    For non-fiction erotica – “All My Heroes Were Ho’s”

    A collection of private and public blogs, All My Heroes Were Ho’s examines the experience of a Leather titleholder and edge player, with a dose of politics and a delectable dabble of Serene’s favorite scenes. Her essays poke at her religious upbringing, her discovery of kink at age five, and the twelve years she spent as a celibate missionary. Two-time cancer survivor and political activist Serene mixes in stories from her time as a partner in a Domme/Dom marriage, and entertains with stories of her life as a Cougar who revels in sensual domination.

    Here’s an excerpt: “Lot had a special father/daughter(s) relationship that made the writers of the Old Testament juggle with incest in the most clever way. Look at Leviticus 18, it’s the list of all the close relatives you can’t have sexual with. But guess what combo is missing? That’s right the father/daughter combo.”

    Just saying, we’re all kinky.


    • admin

      12 years ago

      Lol, great quote, thanks for your input.
      Also I call the Domme/Dom marriage a “power neutral relationship”
      and very familiar with that myself 😉



  18. Gloria Brame

    12 years ago

    Bo, great list! I’d also like to add my book “Come Hither: A Commonsense Guide to Kinky Sex” to this list.


    • admin

      12 years ago

      Hi Gloria
      Thanks for the kind words!
      It will be an honor to add your other book, next revision.


  19. Sybil Holiday

    12 years ago

    Coming to Power, edited by Samois. Educational, erotic, political, and for women. May be hard to find and _very_ much worth the hunt.
    Consensual Sadomasochism: How To Talk About It & How To Do It Safely, by Sybil Holiday (me!) and William A Henkin. Educational 201, pansexual, safety aware, includes chapters on age play, alternate personas, bdsm and therapy, bdsm and spirituality, communication.


  20. Deanna Potts

    12 years ago

    Anything by Hardy Haberman or Robert J. (Bob) Rubel, PhD.


  21. Treva R Martin-Scott

    12 years ago

    Laurell K Hamilton ~ writes Paranormal fantasy and gradually seeps her readers deeper and deeper into the world of DS with both of her series. http://www.laurellkhamilton.org/works/


  22. Karl Madison

    12 years ago

    I agree with the kasi Alexander books. The second book in the series, Saving Sunni just released today, June 19th and it is every bit as good as Becoming sage which was great for it’s informed story line dealing with BDSM, polyamory and power exchange. So, if you liked 50 shades of Gray I would definitely give her books a try.

  23. Top 3: If you like 50 Shades: Bared to you, The rescue series, Safe with me.


  24. Julia Becca

    12 years ago

    Her Own Serenity.


    "A peek inside the door".

    Nice title, somewhat naughty.. intriguing.
    The exposition is simply marv. I like the settings you have described. Your details. So heart felt. One sentence put tears in my eyes. I loved your use of words and lines that are descriptive.."my heart began to beat a bit faster" – "windowsill" – "key slid in like butter".

    I think you are VERY skilled in you narratives, very, very skilled. I haven't come across narration so velvet like in my whole academic life. You are a master. "I knew that one day someone would be sitting here and in this very spot reading what she had written so long ago". " I opened the hard cover and began to read it". This line made me yell "OH SHIT" out loud. That's how sexy your introduction was. Keep up this good work.
    -Vincent A.



  25. Nick Rose

    12 years ago


  26. Kevin Mitnik

    12 years ago

    Naughty Rendezvous by Victoria Blisse (currently available free from Xcite Books) is a great after 50 shades read, it has a few similar themes but also introduces a touch of romance and comedy along with the BDSM and sizzling hot erotica ;).



  27. Bo Blaze

    12 years ago

    Just updated my #FiftyShadesOfGrey" reading list with new friend Sommer Marsden http://t.co/lbnM310J You can now vote for your favorite Authors & move em up the list too!


  28. Bo Blaze

    12 years ago

    I just updated my "What other books are like 50/Fifty Shades of Grey? – A kinky reading list" with several new authors. Check it out! http://www.alternativelifecoach.com/what-other-books-are-like-50fifty-shades-of-grey-a-kinky-reading-list/


  29. wrs

    12 years ago

    Megan Hart’s Order of Solace books: Pleasure and Purpose; No Greater Pleasure; Selfish Is The Heart; and Virtue and Vice. I’ve also enjoyed some of her other titles.


Leave a Reply → Kendrya Alexis

Bo Blaze is the "Alternative" life coach. Specializing in the Entertainment Industry, Alternative Relationships & Sexuality and anyone else who's life is just a little bit left of center. He has 20 years of experience in the music industry and has worked with a variety of entertainers and touring musicians from the "most high profile" to the "completely unknown". He has vast experience with alternative lifestyles & communities including, Polyamory, Leather, BDSM, Kinky, Queer, Fetish, Adult, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Transsexual, Crossdressing, LGBT, Leather Family, adult entertainers, sex workers etc. Bo's own struggle and subsequent success fighting his food addiction makes him an excellent choice as a Bulimia and Food Addiction Coach.